EmployABILITY, the groundbreaking job fair by Ability Foundation, connects discerning employers with qualified individuals with disabilities since 2004. Championing equal opportunities and skill-based hiring, it's not just an event but a movement.
Our work is towards the foreseeable future, when inclusive employment is the norm. When employers recognise that "there are no good jobs for people with disabilities in a company; but there is a good person with a disability for every job in a company.” When problems of attitude and access, give way to an enabling work environment for all.
That… employment is not just a statistical issue. On the ground, employment is a
practical issue, but it is also a human rights and entitlements issue, and it is a bread and
butter issue.
That… people with disabilities have a right to just get their due with no place for pity
or charity… what is vital is a level playing field giving equal opportunities to everyone,
evaluating each one on a fair scale basis of their qualifications and skills.
That… an unbiased attitude on the capabilities of persons with disabilities and a
willingness to provide reasonable accommodation at the workplace, will go a long way
in making equal opportunity employment a reality in our country.
That… more and more companies are today, positive about hiring disabled persons on
basis of their qualifications and skills and company requirements and their eyes have
now been opened to the fact that people with disabilities are a valuable human resource
That… there is a vast wealth of human resource potential amidst people with
disabilities… all disabilities… waiting to be tapped for the benefit of all concerned.
That… once sensitised to the fact that hiring disabled people makes business sense, more
and more companies will willingly come forward to hire persons with disabilities.
That… hiring people with disabilities is a part of human resource and recruitment policy,
not merely CSR.
Apply for EmployAbility
Join us and make it a success
EmployABILITY offers a unique platform for all discerning employers the opportunity to meet a wealth of qualified persons with disabilities whose resumes will be matched to suit your every job requirement.
Apply for EmployABILITY: Choose what describes you best.
Our experience over the last twenty-six years working with employers and job seekers with disabilities has demonstrated two undeniable truths. One, there is exceptional market-essential qualifications among people with disabilities. Two, companies that are positive about disabled persons represent a wide domain of industries and services. More and more business concerns have now begun to view qualified people with disabilities as valuable human resource potential and recognize the fact that they can no longer ignore this human capital. All it takes is an open mind.
As someone said, “There are no good jobs for people with disabilities in your company; but there is a good person with a disability for every job in your company.”
People with disabilities want to work for you. With skilled and loyal employees at a premium can you afford to ignore or stereotype them?
If you are an equal-opportunities employer
We, at Ability Foundation, will provide you with end-to-end solutions in employability and accessibility - a ‘one-stop shop’ for employers like you looking for information, advice and ongoing support to hire persons with disabilities.
Assist with recruiting suitable candidates with disabilities
Provides you access to a talent pool of candidates across India and enables you to realize diversity through graduate recruitment initiatives. We source suitable candidates on your behalf and screen CVs to ensure they meet your requirements.
Work with your HR department and ensure that your recruitment processes are accessible to all – many companies have processes in place which are not completely accessible - online application forms and online testing etc. are not always fully accessible.
Our flagship programme, “EmployABILITY” which is our trend setting job opportunities fair for qualified persons with disabilities – is an extension of Ability Foundation’s Placement Wing which began in the year 2004. This landmark initiative brings together open minded, equal opportunity employers and qualified candidates with disabilities who are at least graduates. To know more about the next EmployABILITY, get in touch.
We will answer your questions, provide sensitisation training and other advice, facilitate your recruitment of the “right candidate”, and much more. Get in touch with us to know more.
If you are a Job Seeker
By registering with us, you will meet potential employers who are interested in your qualifications and skills, not your disability.
Submit your details here and we will get in touch with you.
EmployABILITY 2023 - offered a unique platform for all discerning employers the opportunity to meet a wealth of qualified persons with disabilities whose resumes were matched to suit every job requirement.
An access audit is the first step in ensuring that your organisation and services are accessible to people with disabilities, and non-discriminatory.
We conduct Access Audits of the built environment and services across locations to determine how these can be used for the benefit of all employees, clients or visitors, and recommend improvements.
We also recommend assistive technology to give employees with disabilities a level playing field.
Sensitization Training
We can deliver our disability awareness training to your organisation wherever you are in India. The training programme normally lasts half a day, but we can condense it into shorter session for specific groups if necessary. Likewise, our ideal batch size would be 20-25, but we can design sessions for larger groups as well. Since the pandemic the sensitization programme has moved online.
Generally our training includes modules on:
Disability Law in India
Disability awareness
Disability etiquette
Hiring persons with disability
Who would benefit from the training?
Senior management
Human resources personnel
Administration staff
Receptionists and security personnel
Line Managers
The modules are customized as per the requirements of the clients.
Basic Indian Sign Language programme.
On request we run short term Indian Sign Language courses for group size of 15 to 20 per batch.
Our Employment Wing provides companies an opportunity to see candidates in action, and do away with the myths and inhibitions about recruiting and working with people with disabilities.
Gives candidates an opportunity to have an insight into the corporate world thereby boosting their confidence.
Independent of normal recruitment process and need not necessarily convert into a job offer