It was a day that saw like-minded people from all walks of life come together towards common goals and a common direction. IncludAbility20 – a national level inclusive summit that marked 20 years of Ability Foundation heralded a time when all people – with and without disabilities – came together, stressing on looking beyond disabilities and breaking the barriers of bias and stigma, together. The Summit held on Sept 27 2015 focused on the inclusion of disability and persons with disabilities, as a matter of course, in every sphere of life, The date held another significance as well: it also happened to be the international day of the deaf.

Divided into two panels, IncludAbility20 was set in a conversational mode and sparked off keen, animated discussions on an information and inspiration sharing basis. The first panel focused on education & employment and included principals of inclusive school, college, a representative of MHRD, and the M.Ds of two top ranking equal opportunity employers. The second panel, focussed on societal impact and the need to look beyond the disability at a person as a person with potential first. And at the end of the Summit, everyone both the participants and the panelists were charged and each one determined to take forward the need for inclusion and an equitable civil society for all.

Our Panelists

Divyanshu Ganatra

Psychologist, Corporate Trainer, Researcher, Pune

Jaya Bachchan

Member of Parliament, Rajya Sabha, Mumbai

Kanika Agarwal

V-sesh, Mumbai

Manju Arif

Principal, Delhi Public School (North), Bengaluru

Mariazeena Johnson

Director, Sathyabama University, Chennai

N K Ranganath

Managing Director & CEO, Grundfos Pumps India Pvt Ltd, Chennai

Navin Chawla

Former Chief Election Commissioner, New Delhi

Prahlad Kakar

Founder, Genesis Films, Mumbai

R C Meena

I.E.S.(retd), Former Economic Advisor, MHRD, Govt of India


Actor/Director, Chennai

Sandeep Kanabar

Senior Software Engineer, Symantec Corporation, Chennai

Siddharth Jayakumar

Chief Manager, IndusInd Bank Ltd, Chennai

Siddharth Taneja

QA Engineer,, Gurgaon


Author, Chennai

Sruti Mohapatra

CEO, Swabhiman, Bhubaneshwar

Tanveer Alam

Managing Director, JP Morgan Chase, Mumbai