EmployABILITY 2009

EmployABILITY 2009… the fifth edition of our annual national job opportunities fair, was this time, an event that we awaited amidst both anticipation and apprehension… after all… with global recession, these were indeed challenging times for recruitment.

Although we had worked doubly hard and were hoping for the best, we were also prepared for the worst! Came that pleasantly sunny weekend of January 10 & 11, 2009, we saw a whopping 36 companies… equal opportunity employers representing practically every sector of industry – manufacturing , BPO, pharma, FMCG, IT, consultancy, publishing, web design, food and beverage, textiles, retail, hospitality, financial services, construction, to state a few.

And then, there were over 500 candidates physically present there that day for the interviews, from across 21 States of the country, from the total of the 1001 who registered themselves for the job fair.

As always, EmployABILITY 2009 too, was spread over two days with the preparatory seminars and written tests on Day One; and the interviews on Day Two. The high-end qualifications of candidates, their confidence in themselves and their skills and their faith in Ability Foundation that manifested in the fact that many of them were stepping out of their homes for the first time to travel all the way to Chennai… were all a revelation and a humbling experience.

To us, the success of EmployABILITY2009 meant that our efforts had borne fruit… companies had woken up to the enormous talent pool and had also discovered that it made business sense to employ candidates with disabilities who met their level of competency and not only would contribute productively and reduce loyal attrition, but would also enhance the diversity of their work place.

Click here to see photographs of the event.