Employment Wing

Ensuring Equitable Employment Opportunities

Ensuring equitable employment opportunities for persons with disabilities has been the focus of Ability Foundation's Employment wing. On the one hand, to sensitise employers about the need to offer unbiased, equal opportunity employment, placing candidates with disability on par with others. On the other, working with qualified persons with disabilities to enhance their employment opportunities according to current market needs.

Workshops & Events Programmes

All it takes is an open mind

Our experience over the last twenty-six years working with employers and job seekers with disabilities has demonstrated two undeniable truths. One, there is exceptional market-essential qualifications among people with disabilities. Two, companies that are positive about disabled persons represent a wide domain of industries and services. More and more business concerns have now begun to view qualified people with disabilities as valuable human resource potential and recognize the fact that they can no longer ignore this human capital. All it takes is an open mind.

As someone said, “There are no good jobs for people with disabilities in your company; but there is a good person with a disability for every job in your company.”

People with disabilities want to work for you. With skilled and loyal employees at a premium can you afford to ignore or stereotype them?

If you are a Job Seeker

By registering with us, you will meet potential employers who are interested in your qualifications and skills, not your disability.

Submit your details here and we will get in touch with you.

Current vacancies and job openings

Data Entry People
MJ Solutions   Chennai
Computer Operator Required
Google Inc.   Kolkata

If you are an equal-opportunities employer

We, at Ability Foundation, will provide you with end-to-end solutions in employability and accessibility - a ‘one-stop shop’ for employers like you looking for information, advice and ongoing support to hire persons with disabilities.

Assist with recruiting suitable candidates with disabilities

Provides you access to a talent pool of candidates across India and enables you to realize diversity through graduate recruitment initiatives. We source suitable candidates on your behalf and screen CVs to ensure they meet your requirements.

Work with your HR department and ensure that your recruitment processes are accessible to all – many companies have processes in place which are not completely accessible - online application forms and online testing etc. are not always fully accessible.

Our flagship programme, “EmployABILITY” which is our trend setting job opportunities fair for qualified persons with disabilities – is an extension of Ability Foundation’s Placement Wing which began in the year 2004. This landmark initiative brings together open minded, equal opportunity employers and qualified candidates with disabilities who are at least graduates. To know more about the next EmployABILITY, get in touch.

We will answer your questions, provide sensitisation training and other advice, facilitate your recruitment of the “right candidate”, and much more. Get in touch with us to know more.