Ensuring equitable employment opportunities for persons with disabilities has been the focus of Ability Foundation's Employment wing. On the one hand, to sensitise employers about the need to offer unbiased, equal opportunity employment, placing candidates with disability on par with others. On the other, working with qualified persons with disabilities to enhance their employment opportunities according to current market needs.
Our experience over the last ten years working with employers and job seekers with disabilities has demonstrated two undeniable truths. One, there is exceptional market-essential qualification among people with disabilities. Two, companies that are positive about disabled persons represent a wide domain of industries and services. More and more business concerns have now begun to view qualified people with disabilities as a valuable human resource potential and recognise the fact that they can no longer ignore this human capital.
Our work is towards the foreseeable future, when inclusive employment is the norm. When employers recognise that "there are no good jobs for people with disabilities in a company; but there is a good person with a disability for every job in a company.” When problems of attitude and access, give way to an enabling work environment for all.
Ability Foundation offers a range of services to both employers and jobseekers, designed to promote equitable employment opportunities.
Employers - we answer your questions, provide sensitisation training and other advice, facilitate your recruitment of the “right candidate”, and much more.
For further details mail us at jobs@abilityfoundation.org