CavinKare ABILITY Awards 2009
Venue: Sir Mutha Venkatasubba Rao Concert Hall
(Inside Lady Andal School Campus), Chennai
Mr. A. R. Rahman - Music Director
Dr. Mohini Giri - Chairperson, Guild of Service
Mr. N. Murali - Managing Director, The Hindu
Ms. Revathy - Actor/Director
Mr. Radhamohan - Film Director
Guests of Honor:
Dr.V.Krishnamurthy - Chairman, National Manufacturing Competitiveness Council
Mr.M.S.Sundara Rajan - Chairman & Managing Director, Indian Bank
Mr.N.Ram - Editor-in-Chief, The Hindu
CavinKare ABILITY Award for Eminence:
JAVED AHMAD TAK (Anantnag, Jammu & Kashmir) The scars of
bullet-hit Kashmir are unending. The adversity that can bring out the best or the worst
in people. With Javed Ahmad Tak, it was the former. Bruised and maimed by a militant
attack nearly eleven years ago, leaving him a paraplegic, with a host of other related
problems; Javed turned his adversity into a mission. Spearheading a movement for peace
and rehabilitation in a strife torn town, he used the media to create awareness and
sensitisation programmes on disability and has established an organisation that caters
to the needs of people with all disabilities.

The CavinKare ABILITY Mastery Awards:
NITYANANDA DAS (Bhubaneshwar, Orissa)
“The beauty of life is an endless struggle". This epitomises the life, struggles and
triumphs of Nityananda Das. He has risen like a phoenix from the ravages and scars of a
gruesome accident that left him- a professional dancer- with only one leg. His love and
passion for Odissi dance, a positive attitude, immense self-will and confidence,
sustained by the love and support of his Guru, have helped him overcome seemingly
insurmountable odds-physical and emotional. Continuing to dance on one leg, he has also
started a dance school, "Kalashram" and is today, a dancer, teacher and choreographer in
his own right.

RAJIV RAJAN (Chennai, Tamil Nadu) A person with cerebral palsy, Rajiv
Rajan has combated innumerable odds - big and small - disability being the least of
them. Negative mindsets, condescending attitudes, unfriendly atmosphere - all these, he
battled through sheer self belief and a never-say-die spirit, advocating what disabled
people can do and no what they cannot do. A born leader and team member through his work
at Vidya Sagar as well as a member of several committees, he is the epitome of the
saying, 'Where there is a will, there is a way'.

SAI PRASAD VISHWANATHAN (Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh) "Life is meant to be
lived", an apt quote by Eleanor Roosevelt, best sums up young Sai Prasad Vishwanathan.
Defying a crippling, life threatening, progressive disability, this young man, has
overcome great odds in his pursuit of academic excellence and has succeeded...and how! He
is also one of the few to have been given a full research fellowship in the field of
Computer Architecture and Chip Design at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA. His
recent sky-diving achievement too, sums up his mantra,"...nothing to stop you from
pursuing your dreams... Just do it!"
to see Cavinkare ABILITY Awards 2009 - Jury Meet